Hello Mark,
This is a very hard question to answer and I intentionally left the article without recommendation.
When we have integrated environment, we don't think too much about which features we should care about etc. iCloud is such a tool, I know because I was in the same situation and just increasing the package to have the features and don't get interrupted. When I decided moving away from Apple environment, I needed to define the features that I need for myself and my family too.
I tried all of them in the article, that's why I put free usage as comparison. I don't have very private things to put into cloud, I don't need office products to be synced but need at least something to use collaboratively for syncing. After trying all the tools, I decided to go with Dropbox because it was the most fitting tool for me and family (not 100%). They have the best sync tech, Dropbox Paper is more than enough for us to track what to buy etc., and it comes with password manager that I don't need to pay additionally. Dropbox doesn't have custom e-mail as iCloud Premium does but it is OK.
I will check Proton Family when their products become more mature: https://proton.me/family . The current showstopper for me is that Proton doesn't have Linux client - you need to use third party if you would like to have. It doesn't fit my privacy expectations.