Member-only story

I am not against ads but it is becoming headache. When we were using Web around 2000s, web sites have jumping/flying text around, weird cursor tails etc. At that time, I was thinking the same: Too bloated! I always like minimalism and if I am using Internet by web browser, it means I am searching for something or want to read something. Of course, there are more options like playing games but there are a lot of ads in games too.
Nowadays, web content is becoming rubbish — Quality content requires money, free content is just repetition of words (thanks SEO!) and just an excerpt totally. I am not against to pay money for quality content (actually, I am already paying monthly subscriptions fee for several web sites) but there is no limitation! I don’t want to manage 100s of web sites payments!
I’ve begun to use AdBlock extensions but I realized that they are using a lot of computer resources. The worst case is that they are creating memory leaks which causes non-released memory even you don’t have active tab inside web browser. Basically, your memory is allocated more than expected even you don’t have active tab or even you closed web browser completely.
First of all, I would like to talk about pros and cons of this method because you may not want to use it.